邝霏飞 / 赵浩权
Joel Kwong / Edward Chiu
All About Life & Death
Cross-Media Story


生活其实就是在生与死之间的道路上。策展人邝佳玲以写作人身份(笔名邝霏飞) 与创作人合作,以四篇原创故事为本,于2020年微波国际新媒体艺术节线上线下通感展出。2021版本继续与音乐人赵浩权合作,线上呈现女作家的房间,观众透过在线参与,于重编的故事中游走,观众自主按播由故事出发的音乐,边听边读,同游在墙与墙之间。

Life is indeed a journey between life and death

Life is indeed a journey between life and death. Curator Joel Kwong has collaborated with the creators in the 2020 version as a writer aka Kwong Fei Fei (KFF) to present four original stories in the Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, from online to offline as a Transmedia storytelling project. In the 2021 version, continuing to collaborate with musician Edward Chiu, a virtual room (of the writer) will be presented online together with the edited stories as well as a series of soundtracks, one can wander through the music and words, enjoy within the virtual walls in one’s room.


Project Website



A Chair. A Sofa. A piece of Mirror. Book(s). Newspaper. Magazine. A Desk. A room of one, contains four walls which draws the distance between life and death, that is one’s life. One’s room is actually an universe, it won’t lock you but in reverse guiding you to another layer of time; feel free to explore, it’s all yours, at least at the moment.







每个人都有自己说故事的方式,由文本而来的故事世界给了我一幅宇宙图,当转换成音谱时就变成一条底声, 每一个人物的特性以至其生活曲线化成一条音轨,当现场的书本被打开,根据不同的观众所参与的节奏即合成一首乐章, 让「听」成为完成感受这个故事世界的其中一步。这里没有先后只有大同,无常变化成就一段独特的聆听观展经验。


Everyone has their own way of telling tales; the stories give me a picture like an universe, when the whole thought turns into a basic track, key characters from each story are then transformed into another track, then it’s a music piece. When the books are opened by audiences at different tempos in the room, the melodies form a harmony, it never repeats and it will never be the same one. The act of listening is a piece filling into the puzzle of experiencing the stories, no sequence but unity, and its fluidity forms a unique listening experience.

Have a good trip.
作者 Writer


Kwong Fei Fei (KFF)

超过⼗五年媒体艺术⾏政及策展经验,⾹港中⽂⼤学文化管理硕⼠。⾃2006年为微波国际新媒体艺术节(microwave)担任策展及项⽬管理⼯作,2018年创办SIBYLS,致⼒把新媒体创作推广至更⼤的观众群。分别担任2020年SIGGRAPH Asia及2019年国际电⼦艺术项⽬ISEA(光州)的艺术评审,历年来⼀直有参与多个国际活动的艺术评审⼯作。近年来除策展以外也开始涉猎文字创作,除撰写有关媒体艺术、电影、⽂学与设计的专栏外,2019年与香港平台Storyteller推出连载合作计划《味娓》,以味道牵系情感道出⼀系列香港与台北的小故事。

She has over 15 years of experience in media art administration and curatorship, and has received her Master of Cultural Management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has been curating and managing the Microwave International New Media Arts Festival since 2006 and founded SIBYLS in 2018 to promote new media creation to a wider audience. She was the art jury for SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 and ISEA (Gwangju) 2019, and has been involved in art jurying for many international events over the years. In addition to her curation practice, she is also a writer about media art, film, literature and design in many mass media (magazine/ online column etc.). In 2019, she has launched a collaborative project with Storyteller, an online platform about storytelling in Hong Kong, "Taste & Memory", which tells a series of short stories about Hong Kong and Taipei through the connection between flavors and emotions.

音乐人 Musician


Edward Chiu

2013年毕业于香港城市大学创意媒体学院,现为编曲家、唱片监制及音乐人。他是乐队A New World If You Can Take It – ANWIYCTI的创队团员,负责低音吉他、编程以及混音工作,乐队的特色是以三支低音吉他取代传统吉他。乐队曾于多个城市巡迴演出,包括上海、台北、巴黎及雷克雅维克等。2018年起开始与媒体艺术家合作,曾参与梁基爵的多媒体演出《笼里的十八种风景》及2019年与林欣杰合作的《昼鸣曲》,主要为沉浸式媒体旅程创作音乐与声音设计。2020年以音乐人身份参与《生死墙》项目,联同来自不同界别的创作人以跨媒体叙事手法用不同媒体呈现故事的各个面向。

Graduated from the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong in 2013, Edward is currently a songwriter, record producer and musician. He is the founding member of the band “A New World If You Can Take It – ANWIYCTI”, responsible for bass guitar, programming and mixing, the band features three bass guitars instead of traditional guitars. The band has toured in many cities including Shanghai, Taipei, Paris and Reykjavik. He started collaborating with media artists in 2018, including Gaybird Leung on the immersive performance “18 scenes in a Cage'', and Keith Lam on the immersive media art journey of SUNATA. In 2020, he participated as a musician in the Transmedia project "All about Life and Death", working with creators from different sectors to present various aspects of the stories in different media.