Jacklam Ho Tsz-yeung
声音 + 表演装置纪录
Sound + Performance Device Record


这是一场没有观众参与的声音装置纪录;从模组合成器(modular synth)中创造衍生音乐(generative music),并结合环境声音组成的声景装置。在已没有水的泳池中重现水的联想以及与当下的环境互动。观众听着没有人互动的声音机器发声并与现场的环境声相互交错,以声音介入一个废弃的空间再以声音显示泳池本有的空间特性。

这是2019年8月26日3至4时之间的记录,地点是日本越后妻大地艺术祭香港部屋旁边Kamigo Junior High School的一个废弃泳池。艺术家受邀到当地驻留,大部分节目都在8月中旬结束,而艺术家却留至9月2日,艺术祭的日子只有他一个香港人独自留在附近生活。


This is a documentation from a sound installation without audience participation.

This is a documentation from a sound installation without audience participation; “Unnoticed” is an installation that creates generative music from modular synth and combines it with ambient sound. The association of “water” is recreated in a pool that is no longer with water and interacts with the environment at the moment. The audience listens to the sounds from machine without any interaction, and intersects with the ambient sounds of the scene, intervening with sound in an abandoned space and then using sound to reveal the original spatial characteristics of the pool.

This is a documentation between 3 and 4pm on 26th of August 2019 at an abandoned swimming pool at Kamigo Junior High School, next to the Hong Kong House of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Field in Japan. The artist was invited to stay in the area and while most of the programme ended in mid-August, but the artist decided to stay until 2nd of September, leaving him alone in the neighbourhood for the days after the festival.

This online version allows the viewer to watch the footage online from different angles, with playback and online interaction to change the volume, imagining that the interaction is like the viewer's pace, building distance between the work and the virtual space.


Jacklam Ho


2012年毕业于香港演艺学院,主修音效设计。何氏将声音创作应用于各种场域之中,如剧场音效设计、独立电影的配乐及混音、 动画声效、编曲等。 在个人创作方面,他以声音为基础,探索声音与空间的关系,利用不同声源,在空间塑造独特的声景,透过作品提供独一无二的聆听经验。 何子洋为声音掏腰包「艺术家支援计划」2012-2013年度获选艺术家。


Jacklam Ho (b.1990) is a sound artist, sound designer, and mixing engineer. 

He graduated from Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts in 2012, majoring in sound design. He uses sound creation in different roles, as seen in theatre sound design, independent film music and sound mixing, animation sound effects, music arrangement, etc. In terms of his personal work, he explores the relationship and interaction between sound, and space based on sound, uses different sound sources to create unique soundscapes in the space, and gives unique listening experiences in the work. Jacklam Ho was supported by soundpocket’s Artist Support Programme 2012–2013.